Monday, August 02, 2010

True Blood Prediction

Okay, I know this won't be a great "deep thought" or anything, but I did want to write it down somewhere in case it turns out to be true.

Here's the prediction: I predict that on this season of True Blood, Eric will find out that the vampire king Russell knows who he is and that he knows that Eric wants to kill him. As an extremely old vampire Russell has seen and done it all and enjoys the thrill of the chase/game of being pursued by another vampire. In all probability, Eric is not the first vampire who has chased after Eric to try and exact revenge (I'm guessing that Godric was made by Russell and resigned himself to not destroying Russell after failing to do so).

Anyhow, that's my prediction. No great deep thought, but maybe this will be the start of getting me active on this blog and my other one as well.

Monday, March 22, 2010

create and share

What you create you must share.
Our world is a world of creation
Our world is a world of sharing
It is by sharing that we may experience beauty
It is by sharing that we may experience joy
It is by sharing that we may realize love
This came to me in a dream and it rings true to me
Creating without sharing is like a woman who knits beautiful sweaters
and never wears them and never shares them
and when she is gone and we find them we cry
"alas, but she had shared them while he was living"
In our inner beings we all know this

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

random update

The other day (Sunday morning to be exact) I was making love with my significant other and I said that I like our making love to be beautiful so that if God is watching he can look down and be pleased. Part of me wanted to edit that out or water it down, but what should be shameful about making love? And shouldn't we all be living our lives in such places of beauty that God (or whatever) would look down and say "Wow, they're really doing it right?"

Another thing that crosses my mind is the state of living where you are not feeding your soul. Okay, where I am not feeding my soul. Is it a state of starvation or a state of fasting? And if it is fasting, to what purpose is it? and for how long will it be? Not to say that it is a complete anorexia of the spirit, there are other choices that I make certainly feed my spirit, but there are many choices that I make that don't provide the right spiritual nourishment.

Not just talking about the "God" thing when I talk about "spirit". Still don't know what that is all about yet. But there is something in this reality that is more than just the atoms and molecules that make us up.

Anyhow, it has been awhile since last I wrote and I guess that this should become a better habit. The nerd within likes the idea of keeping the diary (or whatever) electronic for future reference (if ever). The romantic likes the idea of sharing thoughts with the universe. So here I am.

Let me know what you think.

Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Love Conquers All?

I keep running into this theme. In my more cynical moments I think that it is just horse crap. But then I think again and the romanticism of it compels me.

Hmmm.... Does love conquer all? I think that it can. I think that if we choose to allow our loves to be greater than our fears our love does conquer all. I will probably have to continue this blog later.

Think about it though. Has love conquered all for you? If so, how? If not, why not?

More laters,